Senior Center Facilities
As part of our training program, BYB dancers perform for area senior facilities in the surrounding area. Our dancers are learning to master performing in various venues but, more importantly they entertain our senior members with grace and enthusiasm. The interaction between the dancers and the seniors bring joy to both parties while continuing to contribute to our communities.
Dance in the Schools
Dance in the schools was very active in the past years and the company has reinstated this most popular outreach program. Members of the company visit the scheduled venue and give a lecture/performance demonstration. A student dancer gives an introduction to classical ballet beginning with its roots in the French Court dancing through current techniques and styles. During the performance segment children from the audience are invited to come on the stage to participate in a simple dance. The company dancers then perform segments from their current repertoire.
Parades and Festivals
BYB participates in the Gloucester and Mathews Christmas Parades, Guinea Jubilee Parade, and the Gloucester Daffodil Parade. Additionally, the dancers perform the May Pole dance at the annual May Faire Festival in Mathews the first week-end in May.
Summer Dance Experience
Bayside Youth Ballet held a Summer Dance Experience from July 16 through July 20th at Diggs School of Dance for children from Gloucester, Mathews, Middlesex, and Lancaster Counties. The children were introduced to classical ballet with the goal of providing rich experiences for them to enjoy and encourage an appreciation for the art of dance.
The week long half-day camp focused on learning and experiencing the world of dance at no expense to campers. The children were directed by two professional dance instructors with assistance from dancers from Bayside Youth Ballet, ages 13 – 18. Music appreciation and crafts enhanced what the campers learned and the instructors also weaved dance history, choreography and terminology into their experience. The learning of technique and skills were demonstrated in a performance for families on the final day.
For more information about Bayside Youth Ballet visit, call 804-694-5900 or email at